Generic - Public spaces
To film in public spaces on La Palma, it is necessary to obtain authorization from the corresponding City Council. From La Palma Film Commission we will provide you with the contact information in each of the 14 municipalities of the island. For that, our application form is needed to fulfil and sent to the La Palma Film Commission, attached with:
- Copy of the ID of the person responsible
- Copy of the TIN (tax Identification Number) of the producer, if applicable
- A brief memory of the audiovisual project (Title, description of the work, production team, media used, filming locations, dates... A simple description containing the indicated aspects is sufficient).
- Enumerated list of filming locations
- And a copy of the civil liability insurance of the person or producer responsible for the project.
The surface to be used and the type of infrastructure to be assembled, if applicable, must be specified. As a general rule, the City Councils from La Palma do not charge fees for filming, unless they involve parking reservation services, police presence or other services that are required from the local institution.
For more information:
La Palma Film Commission.
Tel.: +34 922417323 / +34 634 309 000. Email: info@english.lapalmafilmcommission.com
The development of audiovisual productions on the coasts of the island of La Palma carries with it the request for the relevant permit. For filming in the locations of Coasts, or what is the same, Occupation of the Maritime Terrestrial Domain, the request must be directed to the Government of the Canary Islands (section of Planning of the Western Province Littoral Department of the Ministery of Ecological Transition, Fight against Climate Change and Planning Territorial, Vice-Ministry of Territorial Planning and Water). For this process, the following procedure must be followed:
- Submit a request to the Government of the Canary Islands. Procedure 8061. Here the link to the procedure.
The application must be accompanied by the following documentation:
- Descriptive memory of the activity. Describe in this report the type of activity (report, session, feature film, documentary...), processes, installations to be carried out, human team, machinery, days and scheduled times, areas to be occupied (estimated m2 to be occupied) … Accompany it with images of maps, photos, aerial photos to specifically indicate the beach or coast where the filming is located.
- Economic report: estimate of the economic investment in that location that will be made: anticipated management expenses, estimated income and benefits.
Plan or orthophoto in which the exact surface to be occupied for filming is indicated. Usually in 1:1000 scale. Grafcan viewer link is shared: https://visor.grafcan.es/mobile/ - Preventive measures: Indicate in the report that depending on the size of the shooting it will be affected or not and that in the event that preventive measures should be applied, it will be indicated in the detailed report of the specific shooting.
- Declaration of conservation of the beach/coast: the producer undertakes to proceed immediately, once the occupation is finished, the lifting of the facilities, the complete cleaning of the occupied land and the execution of the other precise actions to ensure the integrity of the conservation of the occupied space.
- Certificate of Civil Liability Insurance in force for a sufficient amount to cover material and personal damages and losses that could be caused to third parties during the development of the activity.
- Payment of fee 163 using form 700: ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION COUNCIL. FEE NUMBER 163 - Fee for reports and other optional actions: 1 - AUTHORIZATIONS PROVIDED FOR IN ART. 49 OF THE REGULATION. Click in the link.
- Responsible declaration of compliance with article 44.7 of Law 22/1998, of July 28 and 97.1 of the General Regulation of Coasts, approved by RD 876/2014 of October 10 signed. Here is the link to the document.
- Once the file is completed and their authorization is resolved, the office of Costas will request 2 payments (deposit and occupancy fee), which they will require before submitting the authorization resolution. Therefore, when Costas office resolves, the following procedures must be carried out:
- Deposit of guarantee in the Deposit Box of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. Here is the link to the process.
Third parties must be registered with the Government of the Canary Islands (individual procedure or if it is a legal entity "creditors acting as representatives"): Here the link.
- Deposit of guarantee in the Deposit Box of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. Here is the link to the process.
- Deposit of the occupancy fee: The resolution will indicate it. It is calculated from the amount of the company's net profit (this net profit is calculated with certain arithmetic operations, but 30-35% is usually taken as a reference for net profit), and from this amount the amount of this canon will be calculated (8 %).
- When the project is finished, a refund of the deposit must be requested, by means of a general request to the Government of the Canary Islands, preferably through its own electronic headquarters addressed to the Planning of the Western Province Coasts:
https://sede.gobiernodecanarias.org/sede/rge and attach the following documentation:
- Deposit return request.
- Resolution of the authorization they were given for filming in Costas.
- Proof of payment of the deposit.

To develop audiovisual productions on any road on the island of La Palma, it is necessary to request the pertinent permit from the Cabildo Insular de La Palma and the General Directorate of Traffic, simultaneously. Regarding the processing with the Island Council: The form "Request for Authorizations for Works, Actions and Uses on the Highways and in their area of influence" must be completed. Here you will find the document.
Attached document requested:
- ID, Passport, residence card or TIN of the promoter.
- Descriptive report of the event justifying, if needed, the need to carry out the traffic cut.
- Detailed report of the security measures available to carry out the shooting, be they human resources, signalling or both.
- Location map to locate the route, specifying the road and the kilometre point where it is located.
- Hours of traffic closure of the different roads.
- Alternative itinerary, in order to make it easier for regular road users to reach their destination.
- Liability insurance.
- Receipt of payment of fees of €90. In the form you will find the IBAN code to make said payment.
For more information: 922423100/Ext. 1164
Regarding the processing with the General Directorate of Traffic:
The “Shooting Authorization Request” form must be submitted duly completed. Here the link to the form.
It must also be attached:
- DNI, Passport, Residence Card or TIN of the Administrator.
- Writing containing the following information:
- Project description
- Sstart and end dates of the production
- Roads that are intended to be used, need or not to cut the road and cutting time
- Document of Representation of Legal Entities
- Proof of payment of the corresponding fees, which may be made:
- Online with electronic ID
- Bank deposit / Model 791
- In the box of the Traffic Head office of Santa Cruz de La Palma.
Roque de los Muchachos Astrophysical Observatory
All those agencies, producers, and in general, all those media that wish to film or photograph the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory, both outside and inside its facilities, should contact the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), for which they must complete the form at the following link and the IAC will contact the interested party.
For more information:
Email: adminorm@iac.es adminorm@iac.es.
CC: prensa@iac.es
Phone contacts: 922 40 55 00 // 922 42 57 00

In order to carry out any audiovisual activity in Puertos Canarios, an authorization request must be made through the electronic platform: accessing with the digital certificate of the interested party, in this case, the production company.
The following documentation must be attached to the application:
- Copy of the DNI (of the person who signs the application) and copy of the TIN of the producer.
- Proof of the representation power of the person who signs the application, or sufficient accreditation of the representation with which the person acts.
- Descriptive report of the activities to be carried out and the resources to be used (total period of occupation, schedules, maximum capacity, technical equipment...).
- Location plan and sketch of the area to be occupied, delimiting the most significant dimensions (width, depth).
- Budget indicating the estimated amount of income and expenses and net benefits of the activity, before taxes, that can be foreseen to be obtained from the use of the requested public domain.
- Certificate of current civil liability insurance policy for the activity that covers any incident or accident at the port facility.
- The current rates that apply costs can be consulted at
For more information:
Puerto de Santa Cruz de La Palma: 922 41 21 21.
Email: lapalma@puertosdetenerife.org
CC: carlosc@puertosdetenerife.org
Marina de Santa Cruz de La Palma:
Email: informacion@puertosdetenerife.org
Puerto de Tazacorte:
Email: informacion@puertosdetenerife.org
For shootings or carry out photographic reports at La Palma Airport, it is essential to request a permit. The request must be directed to the attention of the Airport Administration and Commercial Head office.
The airport will apply authorization fees based on the characteristics of the audiovisual production in question.
For more information:
Ctra. La Bajita s/n 38730 Villa de Mazo SC de Tenerife
Telephone: 922 426 115
E-mail: briverol@aena.es

Protected areas
In order to carry out professional and commercial film, television, video and photography activities in protected natural spaces, it is mandatory to request the corresponding filming permit from the Environment Area of the Cabildo Insular de La Palma, sufficiently in advance of the start of the recordings.
To do this, the application must be completed, accompanied by: a copy of the ID of the person responsible; copy of the TIN of the producer, if applicable; a brief memory of the audiovisual project (Title, description of the work, production team, media used, filming locations, dates... A simple description containing the indicated aspects is sufficient); enumerated list of filming locations; and a copy of the civil liability insurance of the person or producer responsible for the project. The surface to be used and the type of infrastructure to be assembled, if applicable, must be specified.
This original documentation must be delivered to the Environment Area (Avenida de Los Indianos, 20. Zip: 38700 Santa Cruz de la Palma), or to the registry offices of the Cabildo Insular de La Palma (Avda. Marítima 3, 38700 S/C de La Palma) or at any of the decentralized registry offices.
Also from La Palma Film Commission we can help you with this procedure with the Environment Area of Cabildo Insular de La Palma.
The technicians in charge of the area will issue a report specifying the restrictions of each space.
For more information:
La Palma Film Commission.
Phone: +34 922417323 / +34 634 309 000
Email: info@lapalmafilmcommission.com
Caldera de Taburiente National Park
To develop any type of audiovisual activity in the Caldera de Taburiente National Park, it is necessary to request a permit from the park administration. The "Professional Activities Application Form" must be submitted, duly completed, along with:
- Photocopy of the DNI, Passport or Residence Card.
- Justifying report and Work Plan (if necessary), through:
- The offices of the Caldera de Taburiente National Park Administration: Ctra. Gral. De Padrón, Nº47 38750 – El Paso Tlf: 92292 22 80 / 922 92 22 82
- by fax to the number 922 49 70 81
- By email to cmayot@gobiernodecanarias.org
Additionally, it is necessary to make a deposit, which can range from €300 to €3,000, which will be returned in the event that there has been no deterioration in the National Park, immediately after delivery of a copy of the raw audiovisual material obtained in the Park. For this management it is necessary to be registered with third parties in the Canarian Treasury.